I liked the repeating patterns on this historic building and the park bench. We have some great lamps lining main street giving it an old time feel. This was the best capture I could find on the theme of nature rising through the asphalt world we've created. This is my favorite image from the day. I've never seen a hat better leveraged for a tool box!
Unfortunately I have not had the time to do much on photography lately. I'm going to try and post once a week from here on out. I've thrown in a couple of pictures from my last two weeks with the caveat that I've not had the time to carefully edit them but wanted to get up some shots so you know what I've been up to.
These bees were drinking out front of a bakery in Nauvoo IL.I had a business trip to Buffalo NY yesterday and was surprised to learn that I was 19 minutes from Niagara Falls (I'm Canadian remember, but you wouldn't know it by how the RCMP chased me when I entered a restricted area at the border with my big tripod... Crazy). I snuck up there before I had to fly home. This shot was of the sunset in Wyoming on the way to Nauvoo. A lot of Semis pass through them parts! I had the exhilarating experience of shooting at an Amish farm. I look forward to posting more from that awesome time. This needs work, but this was the temple in Nauvoo the first morning there. Thanks for looking! Would love to hear your comments. I apologize for not being able to post more often!
I started photography in 2006 and have gravitated to wildlife (my favorite) and landscape photography. I shoot with a Canon SLR with L-series lenses. My wife is very understanding and patient with my addiction. I appreciate any comments you can offer as they help me improve greatly! Thanks.